Thursday, February 4, 2016

if i were in charge of the world

if i were in charge of the world
i'd cancel discrimination,
hate, and also
anything before 9 a.m.

if i were in charge of the world
there'd be more love,
more rainy days, and
always someone to cuddle with.

if i were in charge of the world
you wouldn't have schedules, 
you wouldn't have math class,
you wouldn't have limitations.
or "you've had all week to get this done."
you wouldn't even have deadlines. 

if i were in charge of the world 
a plate of stuffed french toast from 
IHOP would be a vegetable. 
all animals would have homes.
and a person who sometimes forgot their homework
and sometimes forgot to smile
would still be allowed to be 
in charge of the world. 


  1. I agree with a lot of this. Nothing should occur before 9 a.m., and rainy days should happen more often than they do. And never have I related more to "person who sometimes forgot their homework."

  2. I could live in your world of slow mornings, rainy days, loose deadlines, and animals safe and sound...
