Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Dear Jennifer,
I feel as if I'm always apologizing for getting back to you so late, but it has been a very hectic few months. We are in the most important part of track season at the moment, we just had prom, and graduation is Friday. Everything is drawing to a close, yet I feel as if there is more to do than ever. Today is my last day of high school ever. It's crazy to think that after thirteen years of public schooling, I'll be out on my own soon. I'm both scared and excited, both happy and sad, but I am ready for the new chapter in my life to start. 
I love that you are making goals and trying to reach them, but try not to be so hard on yourself! Calling yourself fat is more harmful than it is helpful to you. Try to compliment yourself on what you're doing right rather than your faults. You are a beautiful, smart girl, so remember that! 
I enjoy much of the music that you listed, along with a lot of lesser known indie music. I always find it so surprising that American music is popular around the world, yet we hardly hear music from other countries. I wonder why that is? 
Since today is the last day of classes for me, we have also been given the option to say our goodbyes and discontinue communication with you, or to continue on even after school is over. As for me, I would be happy to continue communicating and I feel like I will have much more time to reply once I am no longer in classes. So, please reply with your decision. I look forward to hearing from you again!


Dear Betty,
I feel as if I'm always apologizing for getting back to you so late, but it has been a very hectic few months. We are in the most important part of track season at the moment, we just had prom, and graduation is Friday. Everything is drawing to a close, yet I feel as if there is more to do than ever. Today is my last day of high school ever. It's crazy to think that after thirteen years of public schooling, I'll be out on my own soon. I'm both scared and excited, both happy and sad, but I am ready for the new chapter in my life to start. 
It is very interesting to hear about the similar social issues that our countries share, despite the vast cultural differences. It is wonderful to hear that your country faces much less sexism than ours, because it is still a very big issue here. 
As far as having WEIXIN or QQ, I have honestly never heard of those applications before. I can check to see if they are available here, but I am not sure they are. 
Since today is the last day of classes for me, we have also been given the option to say our goodbyes and discontinue communication with you, or to continue on even after school is over. As for me, I would be happy to continue communicating and I feel like I will have much more time to reply once I am no longer in classes. So, please reply with your decision. I look forward to hearing from you again!
